* Links to course outlines and lesson plans; * ‘len-plus years of JOURNAL OF ADVENTIST EDUCATION® articles online; * Adventist school directories and college lists by division, union, and conference; ® Administrative forms and school evaluation instruments; * School guidelines and policy manuals; * Faith-integration teacher-train- ing materials developed and used by educational administrators on several continents’; * Direct links to Adventist min- istries and service opportunities’; * Research results from Profile studies, Valuegenesis,’ and other studies on Adventist education; and * Links to key Adventist educa- tion online services: APN," Ed- forum," AVLN,? ADEC,” CATnet," and the new General Conference Education Website." Clearly, CIRCLE has made Adventist- designed curriculum a priority. However, other submissions that support the church’s CIRCLE’s goal is to provide quick and easy access to qual- ity Adventist educa- tion resources that may otherwise never be discovered. will still need to evaluate resources for appropriateness to their unique setting. While many of the resources available are Web-based with links that are regularly checked and up- dated, some are not available online (for example, copyrighted books available only from a publisher). For these, full ordering information is provided. Leadership Resources (showing 110 20 of 84) Jump 19 Paga: 1: 30» education philosophy are included. To en- sure compatibility with the purposes of Ad- ventist education, each entry is reviewed by CIRCLE staff and/or specialists in the sub- ject/topic. Despite this, Adventist educators i Acvenhst Educalion in Canada Master Access Tailored to Teacher Prefer- ences Browsing and searching are two popular methods to find resources through CIRCLE’s Website. Profile 2004 research’ revealed that of those who answered the question, 89 per- cent found the search feature helpful, and 84 percent considered browsing an effective database access method. Here are some suggestions for browsing or searching CIRCLE: 1. When and How to Browse Because Principal Phiri needs general help for a new school initia- tive, he might browse or scan through CIRCLE’ administrative topics resource listings first. Key in- formation (grade range, origin, brief abstract, and direct link online if available) is provided succinctly. More details are available by clicking Kat -Acvenhst Education: [5 We Cup Hall L. mw The 5 invent h-Fany Adventist Chimshr Canada's # dug shoe mast or glans Aresoll @ conshluent resem h ang rare uiplning iy obang {ear hers and =ducalion admire. Ths... + choets LBRL: Low 2 ori Qf tae Ee Hi her EQ-arad+ do pret oar presentalan examining Che resus irom » 204 0GIobal Survey of Adverdiat Un or education drecion peek anveend to e3aendind greshons What we hemos wgentneeds pi i 5 wie - URL" LE Pet Fale NL Yop ® ., i! Contact Information The CIRCLE staff and administrators would like to hear any suggestions, comments, or concerns you may have. The quickest way to reach them on a specific title. The wayfinder in- dicates the path or way selected through subject or topic categories, making it easy to return to previous is to use the feedback form on the Website. You may also contact them pages. using any of the methods listed below. Snail Mail: Phone: E-Mail: CIRCLE Webmaster Andrews University School of Education Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0118 USA (269) 471-3432 Fax: USA (269) 471-6374 webmaster@circle.adventist.org 2. When and How to Search As Professor Ericsen has a spe- cific topic in mind, typing several keywords, such as Adventist history course outlines, will quickly access all matching entries in CIRCLE for him. If the keywords he used do not return adequate results, he could try JOURNAL OF ADVENTIST EDUCATION | FEBRUARY/MARCH 2005 13