sdacc ministries 10 Mission Report: Pioneers in Punjab Nf visit to India is incomplete unless you visit Punjab, a state known for its rich culture and traditions. Two-fifths of the population in Punjab are engaged in the agricultural sector. The language, heritage, and food are world famous as well. The majority of people in Punjab practise Sikhism, which happens to be the fifth-largest religion in the world. Sikhs are devoted to their faith and believe in equality, one God, and community service. Christianity is respected among Sikhs because both religions have similar ideals. There's a Christian presence in almost every village in Punjab, with many volunteers serving the communities. One of the most famous Christian missionaries in the world came from a Sikh family. Sadhu Sunder Singh was born on Sept. 3, 1889, in the village of Rampur Kataania, Ludhana, Punjab. He grew up practising Sikhism and was not keen on Christianity at all. In fact, he once burned a Bible in front of his Christian friend in anger. When Sadhu was 14, his mother died, which left him in despair. To resolve his problems, he tried to end his own life Movement as Medicine: Preventing Premature Death Through Activity De you know that according to recent research, there’s L/ growing evidence that participating in regular movement (i.e., physical activity or exercise} offers benefits for both mind and body? It can boost your mood; improve your sleep; help you deal with depression, anxiety, and stress; and even help to prevent premature death.! Movement improves the health and efficiency of the various systems of your body, improving endurance through better heart and lung health, etc.’ Carol Welch, a pioneer in the development and bisomatics field, remarks, “Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states.” Here are some simple ways you can incorporate more movement and physical activity into your day: 1 Begin your day with 10 minutes of stretching. When taking public transit, get off ane or two stops earlier and walk the rest of the way to your destination. Take stairs instead of the elevator, even if it’s just part of the way. 4 Park farther away from a store to get some extra steps in. In a spiritual sense, | like the words of the Apostle Paul found in Philippians 3:13, 14: “Forgetting what lies behind and May 2023 4 “!/ ~ > LJ A 4 ® ty 4 iL ~~ ~ TINS by standing on a railway track, waiting to be hit by a train. He asked for the True God to appear, else he would proceed with his fatal plan. He then had a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ, which convinced him of the one true God. Sadhu then began his missionary work, which led many people to accept the Lord Jesus Christ in Punjab and other parts of the world. = Umesh Nag is associate director of the Global Mission Center for South Asian Religions. reaching forward to what lies ahead, | press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (AMP). Let us not be “marking time” to Zion but marching to Zion, that beautiful city of God. Keep moving forward, onward, and upward! m Dr. Daniel Saugh is a registered psychotherapist and the health ministries co-ordinator for the SDACC. 1 Lawrence Robinson, Jeanne Segal, and Melinda Smith, “What Are the Mental Benefits of Exercise?”, 2 Hospital for Special Surgery, “Movement Is Medicine,” HSS Health Connection,