NAD NEWS BRIEFS NAD NEWS BRIEFS MEET DE 5 oe Oakwood University Hosts Historic Evangelism Event in Collaboration With Southern Union, Gulf States Conference, and South Central Conference one,” said Roger Hernandez, Ministerial and Evangelism director for the Southern Union Conference. Hernandez was talking about the “Revive” evangelism meet- ing that took place on the Oakwood University campus February 17-25, 2023, an event sponsored and directed by Hernandez. It was the first time that the Southern Union, Oakwood University, and the Gulf States and South Central conferences came together with one mission on the uni- versity campus: saving souls for the kingdom. Julio Chazarreta, Hispanic coordinator for Southern Union, began the meetings as speaker from February 17 to 21, followed by Hernandez from February 22 to 25. Pastors with their churches in proximity of Oakwood University gathered at C. T. Richards Moseley Complex to hear God's Word. As the result, more than 100 peo- ple joined the church through baptism and profession of faith, including several of Oakwood’s Latino students. Enoc Balbuena, pastor of Oakwood Latino church, hosted the event, making sure that the experience on the campus was successful. Balbuena and Isaac Ibarra, special assistant to the Oakwood president for diversity and inclusion, prepared a meal to feed 700 people who attended the Sabbath service at the Oakwood Ad- ventist Academy. Oakwood president Leslie Pollard, and Calvin Watkins, North American Division vice president, visited and witnessed the “Revive” event. The culmination of the event took place at the Oakwood University church with a mini concert and baptism celebration. —Oakwood University News ET | around 14 evangelism meetings every year; however, I'll remember this € A baptism is celebrated at the Oakwood University "Revive" evangelistic event culmination on February 25, 2023. ADVENTIST CHURCH IN NORTH AMERICA RELEASES NEW SHORT FILM THOSE WERE THE GOOD DAYS he North American Divi- sion and Sonscreen Film Festival have announced the release of a new short film entitled Those Were the Good Days. Produced by Sonscreen Films and Pacific Union Col- lege, the film explores themes of joy and parenting as it follows a father and daughter on a trip to the park. “This film started out as the answer to the question “What does happiness look like?’ and morphed into something a little more personal,” said Rachel Scribner, writer and director. Scribner added that the film ended up touching on deeper topics of family and connection that have led to conversations with parents who watched the film. Those Were the Good Days, screened in Loma Linda, California, on April 14, 2023, at the Sonscreen Film Festival (the North American Divi- sion’s film festival for young Christian filmmakers), was conceived as part of the larger