@ A really good church friend of mine recently passed away. | really miss her, and | still find myself crying about her. Even though, as an Adventist, | know we believe that ® when we die, our bodies stay in the ground till the resurrection, | often wish—as some people believe—that she was looking down and watching over me wherever | go. Is that bad? @ Pastor Shawn and Auntie Lian: We are so sorry to hear about your loss. It’s clear from your letter, your le friend was an important part of your life. Don't feel bad about your feelings. It's not easy to accept that someone so special to you is dead. As you go through your grief, you will experience different thoughts and emotions as you work through your loss. Continue to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to comfort you as you allow yourself the time and space to work through your feelings. In Gen. 37:34, 35, when Jacob, Joseph's father, thought his son was dead, the Bible says, “Jacob tore his clothes and dressed himself in burlap. He mourned deeply for his son for a long time. His family all tried to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. ‘| will go to my grave mourning for my son,’ he would say, and then he would weep” (NLT). It took Jacob a long time, but eventually he was able to get through his grief and function again. Just know, in time, you will too. But there is good news. Going back to the story— Jacob thought he would never see his son Joseph again (because he was under the impression that Joseph had been killed). But God was merciful and allowed them to be reunited, and Jacob was able to see his son once more. Continue to hold on to the hope that when Jesus returns, you'll be reunited with your friend. We will keep you in prayer during this time of your loss. We encourage others who may be going through a similar loss: share your feelings with your parents or pastor, to help you in your journey through grief. = Do you have a question for Pastor Shawn and Auntie Lian? Email it to messenger@adventist.ca. (A X \i 0 Straight Talk BRE 12 May 2023 4