MounTaIN VIEWPOINT Art Can Change the World Something life-changing is happening at the As the Mountain View Conference emphasizes, Charleston Boulevard church in West Virginia, and it’s there are many, many ways to tell somebody through a very unlikely source—a simple art class! about Jesus! What started in 2021 as a small art class com- eT TT PNY prised of 7-10 members quickly blossomed into a EE a 60-70-person monthly event! The free class meets one Sunday each month, bringing together a variety of ages, denominations, genders and skill levels. To start the class, Megan Garcia (below), a pro- fessional artist and wife of Tony, assistant pastor of Charleston Boulevard, gives a short devotional to encourage the group and sew gentle seeds in those who may never otherwise step foot in a church. Then everyone enjoys a four-course meal with friendly fellowship and fun giveaways. And lastly, Megan step-by-step leads the art project of the month. “Many have come to know the Lord for the first time through this ministry, and there’s even Bible studies taking place in different homes with those who attend the class!” states Megan. “One of my granddaughters who was raised in AF a = —— this church recently started coming to the class Visitors Krista Chrispell and Keith Johnson attend with me. It has been the right incentive to bring the art class for the first time. her back through the doors of the church,” states Peggy Koch, Boulevard Church member. “It's a non-threatening way of inviting people to church / activities without making them feel pressured. Now yy she is bringing her 19-year-old son, my grandson, (lf / with her. | am so excited about the prospect of her poy /[ J ( coming back to God through this ministry.” HA “7 / Featuring Janet Salazar Pastor’s wife, mother of two, teacher and published writer currently living in Maryland. & Mtn. View Gexjference > Women's Retreat 2023 October 6-8 23 ~ Huttonsville, ore information: Mountain Viewpoint is published in the Visitor by the Mountain View Conference m 1400 Liberty Street, Parkersburg, WV 26101 Phone: (304) 422-4581 » = President, Tim Bailey = Editor, Liz Bailey 20 | VISITOR July/August 2023 PHOTO BY ETHAN GARCIA