request further information about the Andrews University Educa- tional Research Index, please write to: Dr. W. G. A. Futcher, Chairman Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology Andrews University Berrien Springs, MI 49104 Doctoral dissertations are avail- able only through University Mi- crofilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, U.S.A. Requests for ab- stracts of these should be made directly to that organization. Andrews University Educational Research Index Thirteenth Edition Summer, 1984-June, 1985 M.A. Projects Aaron, Livingstone. A Cross Cultural Comparative Study of Locus of Control Differences Between International and American Students Attending Andrews Academy, December, 1984, 76 pages, Merchant. Ang, Cheng Hee. Shyness and School Achievement: A Correlational Study, July, 1984, 42 pages, Habenicht. Araujo, Aurea L. Reliability Level of the Life Series Basal Reader, July, 1984, 65 pages, Chace. Castrejon, Gloria. Twentieth Century World Literature Course, July, 1984, 74 pages, Chace. Elenes, Javier G. A Comparative Study of Classroom Teachers’ and School Prin- cipals’ Perceptions of Seventh-day Ad- ventist Elementary Schoo! Principals’ Effectiveness in the North Mexican Conference, May, 1985, 117 pages, Chace. Gonzales, Carlos D. The Problem of Over- Pricing Seventh-day Adventist Educa- tion, July, 1984, 60 pages, Streeter. Hegelsen, Kjell. A Content Analysis of S.D.A. Science Textbooks About Origins as a Basis for a Tentative Framework for including Creationism in the Curriculum of Norwegian Church Schools, June, 1984, 82 pages, Chace. Letang, Ruth. Task Delegation by Primary and Secondary School Principals in the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh- day Adventists, August, 1984, 70 pages, Greenway. Schwartz, Michael Loren. Guidelines for Developing Secondary Day Academy Facilities for Greater Miami Academy, July, 1984, 100 pages, Streeter. Stevens, Jerry Allen. Seventh-day Adven- tist Teacher Contracts: Origins and Com- parisons, May, 1985, 108 pages, Streeter. Straughn, Jonathan. Self Concept of Early Adolescents from One-Parent and Two- Parent Families, August, 1984, 65 pages, Merchant. Tabingo, Henry. An Investigation of the Influence of Ethiopian Primary and Ele- mentary Government Examinations GPA, High School GPA, Sex, Religious Affiliation, and Ethnicity on Ethiopian High School Government Certificate Examination GPA, July, 1984, 47 pages, Thayer. Taylor, John Wesley. A Comparative Study of Administrative Structures in Selected Seventh-day Adventist Colleges, July, 1984, 165 pages, Greenway. Villamil, Rodolfo. Cast of Education Index Jor Seventh-day Adventist Senior Day and Residential Academies in the Lake Union Conference, June, 1985, 43 pages, Streeter. M.A. Theses Batson, Maurice. The Relationship Be- tween Assertiveness and Career Decision Making of Secondary Students in Barba- dos, August, 1984, 53 pages, Dickson. Holford, Karen. An Investigation into the Use of Passive Relaxation Techniques with Mentally Retarded Children, May, 1985, 90 pages, Habenicht. Reve, Dennis W. Teacher's Perceptions of Factors Affecting Morale in SDA Schools in Trans-Australian Union Con- ference, January, 1985, 99 pages, Streeter. Roberts, Owen Anthony. An Investigation of the Relationship Between Learning Style and Temperament of Senior High Schoo! Students in the Bahamas and Jamaica, August, 1984, 184 pages, Thayer. Ed.D Dissertations Carey, John. An Investigation of Parents’ Perceptions of the Junior Academy Prin- cipal’s Role in the Lake Union Con- ference of Seventh-day Adventists, December, 1984, 324 pages. Lawson, Alfred Melville. The Employed Versus the Nonemployed Mother. The Effects on the Seventh-day Adventist Family in Southwestern Michigan, April, 1985, 221 pages, Dyer. Nainggolan, Rajoaman. Indonesia Union College: A Historical Study of a Seventh- day Adventist Institution 1929-1970, October, 1984, 330 pages, Youngberg. Norton, Edward. The Philosophy of Chris- tian Service and Its Practice in the Sev- enth-day Adventist Senior Academies of the United States During the 1979-1980 Schoo! Year, June, 1985, 374 pages, Akers. Peyser, Julia. Examiner Bias and Intelli- gence Test Scoring: A Study of the Effect of Speech-Handicapped Responses on the Scoring of the WISC-R Comprehen- sion Subtest, September, 1984, 133 pages, Futcher. Steele, Allen Richard. A Model! for De- velopment of a Telecommunications Sat- ellite Network for Administrative, Educational and Orher Purposes in a Private Organization, August, 1984, 122 pages, Streeter. Villeneuve, Claude M. Religious Value Transmission Among Seventh-day Ad- ventist White American Families: A Cognitive Approach to Parental Values and Relationship as Perceived by Youth, November, 1984, 304 pages, Habenicht. Wright, Bruce R. The Bender Gestalt and Symbol Digit Modalities Tests as Cerebral Dysfunction Screening In- struments: A Comparative Evaluation, August, 1984, 116 pages, Chaij. Ph.D. Dissertations August, 1983, to June, 1985 Bahimba, Phenias. Potential Goals of the National University of Rwanda as Per- ceived by Senate Members, Faculty, and Students, with Implications for the Adventist University of Central Africa, January, 1984, 165 pages, Lall. Beardsell, Derek Crowther. A Study of Se- lected Administrative Issues that Have Influenced the History and Development of Newbold College, 1901 to 1971, Sep- tember, 1983, 499 pages, Streeter. Couty, Jean Roger. An [Investigation of Predictors of Success in Elementary Stu- dent Teaching -in Selected Seventh-day Adventist Colleges, June, 1984, 177 pages, Streeter. Cummings, Desmond D., Jr. A Statistical Model for Seventh-day Adventist White English Speaking Church Growth in the United States, July, 1983, 199 pages, Akers. Dixon, Inez E. C. Browne. A Study of the Historical Development of Higher Edu- cation in Bermuda, August, 1983, 253 pages, Lall. Fisher, Leonard Marion. Cognitive Styles and Measured Occupational Preferences of College Freshmen and Sophomores, July, 1983, 205 pages, Williams. Gui, Chui-Liu Serena. A Cross-Cultural Study of the Relation Between Degree of American Acculturation and Androgyny, August, 1984, 120 pages, Futcher. Gutekunst, Daniel. The Implications of the Piagetian Stages to Age of Readi- ness for Baptism, July, 1983, 199 pages, Futcher. Holman, Aurelia Rae. Toward a Rationale for Foreign-Language Proficiency Re- quirements for Doctoral Degrees in Selected Professional Disciplines, June, 1985, 373 pages, Streeter, (To page 32) 28 THE JOURNAL OF ADVENTIST EDUCATION