following are emphasized: (1) analysis and testing of theory; (2) the application of theory; (3) specific problems in educa- tion and psychology; (4) development of specific cur- ricula materials or psychological instruments. The areas covered in these stud- ies include educational administra- tion, curriculum and instruction, methods of handling special education problems, educational measurement and evaluation, phi- losophy of education, educational psychology, counseling, guidance, student development, and reli- gious education. Use of the Educational Research Index This edition of the index referen- ces studies completed by students who graduated in August 1986 and June 1987. The indexed titles of student research include (1) author, (2) title, (3) date completed, (4) number of pages in the complete report, and (5) the name of the faculty advi- sor(s). A 350-word abstract is avail- able for each of the studies. This contains the purpose of the study, the methods and procedures that the researcher used to develop the research, and the conclusions reached. Readers may obtain an abstract upon request for one U.S. dollar (U.S. $1.00). This fee includes mail- ing expenses. Toreaders in the U.S. and Canada, master’s projects and theses are available for 13 cents per page. The fee to readers in other countries is 17 cents per page. Payment should be made to An- drews University by International Money Order or check payable in U.S. dollars. To order or request further information about the Andrews University Educational Research Index, please write to: Dr. W. GG. A. Futcher, Chairman Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology Andrews University Berrien Springs, MI 49104 Doctoral dissertations are avail- able only through University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, U.S.A. Requests for abstracts of these should be made directly to that organization. Andrews University Educational Research Index Fifteenth Edition Summer 1986-June 1987 M.A. Projects Bossous, Pierre Amos. Development of Seventh- day Adventist Education in Hie Franco-Haitian Umion. August 1986, Lall. Liverpool, Errol. The Effect of Graduate School on Married Students According to Sex. August 1986, 47 pages, Chai). Murray, Lenon C. A Comparative Study of Academic Adjustment Among American and Foreign Students in the Graduate School of Education at Andrews University. August 1986, 23 pages, Merchant. Nugent, Betty F. Jenkins. The Effects of Father Absence on Daughter's Level of Trust for Her Partner. May 1986, 20 pages, Blitchington. Pitts, Cinda Lea Rose. An Evaluative Study of the Curriculum: Sabbath Celebration for Young Children. July 1986, 196 pages, Habenicht. Sangodijo, Ayodele. The Relationship Between General Self-Concept and Academic Achicoe- ment. August 1986, 44 pages, Merchant. Tryon, Sherry. Pastor's Perception of Counsel- ing. June 1987, 52 pages, Merchant. Valley, Martha. The Effect of Television Viewing on the Behaviors of Children. July 1986, 50 pages, Merchant. M.A. Theses Cooke, Desmond John. Prediction of Enroll ment at Lake Michigan College. December 1986, 85 pages, Greenway. Jack, Muritha. Assessing Food Behaviors of Stu- dents in the Upper Elementary Levels of the Benton Harbor, Michigan Schools. August 1986, 60 pages, Thayer. Lekic, Milivoje. Toward an Interactionist View of Conversion: A Psycho-Socio-Theological Study. April 1987, 108 pages, Merchant. Quintino, Natividade. Moral Reasoning of Graduate Students in Theology, Business and Information Sciences, Allied Health, and Educa- tion. June 1987, 112 pages, Habenicht. Robinson, Brian L. The Perceptions of School Principals Regarding the Utilization of Micro- computers in Australian Secondary Schools. February 1986, 165 pages, Streeter. Seaman, Michael A. The A Priori Use of Power and Effect Size in the Development of a Modi- fied Approach to Hypothesis Testing. August 1986, 118 pages, Cruise. Small, Allan. An Investigation of Stress and Fac- tors Producing Stress Among Married Students Living in the Andrews University Married Stu- dent Housing Complex. April 1987, 91 pages, Kosinski. Ed.D. Dissertations Rau, Eugene Wilbur. A Study of Educational Balance and Its Relationship to the Daily Sched- ule in Seventh-day Adventist Residence Acad- emies in the United States. July 1986, 219 pages, Streeter. Robinson, Barbara Jones. Feminine Values, Interpersonal Orientation, and the Evolution of the Female Identity in College Students. June 1987, 226 pages, Futcher. Sheppard, Eustace Montgomery. A Correla- tional Study of the Relationship between Ado- lescent Religiosity and Adolescent Perception of Parental Behavior in Antiqua and Barbuda. July 1986, 233 pages, Youngberg. Stevens, Ernest James, Jr. Premarital Prepara- tion Within the Home, School, and Church as Percetved by Adolescents in the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. August 1986, 266 pages, Dyer. Ph.D. Dissertations Cho, Mei-Mei. The Validity of the Kinetic Family Drawmg as a Measure of Self-Concept and Parent/Cliild Relationship Among Chinese Children itn Taiwan. January 1987, 189 pages, Habenicht. Cho, Paul Fu-Sheng. A Study of the Attitudes of the Adventist Church Members in Taiwan Toward the Support of Seventh-day Adventist Christian Education. January 1987, 319 pages, Streeter. Erickson, Melvin Lloyd. Concurrent Validity of Hie Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory for Seo- enth-day Adventist Seminarians and Ministers. June 1986, 144 pages, Kosinski. Fair, Talitha Day. The Counseling Center as a Healing Community. April 1986, 320 pages, Merchant. German, Don-Nee Elizabeth. The Female Ado- lescent Incest Victim: Personality, Self-Esteem, and Family Orientation. July 1986, 179 pages, Habenicht. Lam-Phoon, Sally. A Comparative Study of the Learning Styles of Southeast Asian and Amert- can Caucasian College Students on Two Sev- enth-day Adventist Campuses. September 1986, 130 pages, Chace. Vernet, Serge E. L. Factors Contributing to the Successful Completion of the Haitian Baccalau- reat (Part 1) and Their Administrative Implica- tions. April 1987, 156 pages, Lall. Williams, P. John. An Empirically Derived Data Base for the Validation of Standards for Indus- trial Arts Programs in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in the United States of America. June 1987, Chace. 0 Reports of studies completed by students graduating between July 1970 and June 1986 appear in the following volumes of THE Jour- NAL OF ADVENTIST EDUCATION: vol. 35, No. 2 (December 1972-]anuary 1973); vol. 36, No. 3 (February-March 1974); vol. 37, No. 2 (De- cember 1974-January 1975); vol. 38, No. 2 (December 1975-January 1976); vol. 39, No. 2 (December 1976-January 1977); vol. 40, No. 2 (December 1977-January 1978}; vol. 41, No. 2 (December 1978-]January 1979}; vol. 42, No. 2 {December 1979-January 1980); vol. 44, No. 2 (December 1981-January 1982); vol. 45, No. 2 (December 1982-January 1983); vol. 46, No. 2 (February-March 1984); vol. 47, No. 2 (De- cember 1984-January 1985); vol. 48, No. 2 (December 1985-January 1986); vol. 49, No. 4 (April-May 1987). ADVENTIST EDUCATION o DECEMBER 1987- JANUARY 1088 ¢ PAGE 29