Getty Images maturing in Christian life and a strong missionary impulse. They go out and preach the gospel. Frequently, we'll hear accounts of former Adventists being re- baptized, members of other denomina- tions accepting the Adventist faith, and those who were not grounded in the faith making decisions for baptism. Many pastors testify that their members who participate in Room 57 understand more biblical teachings, have a keen sense of mission, and, consequently, are useful in the body of Christ. DS: Have you observed any impact on the faithfulness of church members who chose to pray more? Without a doubt! We have used a feature that YouTube offers to learn about the growth in faithfulness. Here are the results for four questions: Have you improved your personal de- votion habit by being part of Room 57? (1,000 votes) Yes: 71% It was already a habit: 19% No: 8% As you participated in Room 57, have you experienced a transformation in your prayer life? (1,200 votes) Yes, it has totally changed: 75% | I] | was already praying intensely: 18% Nothing has changed: 6% As you participated in Room 57, has your willingness to sacrifice for those who do not yet know Christ changed? (1700 votes) Yes, completely: 77% | already sacrificed: 17% Nothing has changed: 4% As you participated Room 57, has your faithfulness in tithes and offerings changed? (1,500 votes) | was already faithful: 53% Yes, completely: 30% Nothing has changed: 15% DS: What would be your advice to pastors and church leaders who would like to start a prayer movement in their local church or district? With all modesty, | would talk about my experience, and if it is help- ful to any colleagues or church leaders, praise the Lord. To start a prayer movement in a local church, | would first do an analysis of my own prayer life. In Ephesians 6:18, one of the pieces of God's armor is the prayer in the Spirit. It’s not about praying more, but praying in the Spirit. A clear under- standing of this aspect was decisive for l | ENN NN 896 100 104 108 Se MHz 7080 100 130 170 “x10 kHz DYNAMIC STEWARD my personal revival. It has improved the quality, time, purpose, and results of my devotional life. If | do not know the Spirit, the conse- quence is to pray without His powerful in- tercession. 'm one hundred percent sure that the prayer life of many is marked by insignificance, precisely because they are unaware of the need to use the powerful weapon, prayer, only in the Spirit and not in human strength. Another clear step would be to teach the members that in the dispensation of the Spirit, prayer is the weapon for receiving His anointing Power will only be granted in abundance to those who insistently seek new baptism of the Spirit. My advice can be summarized in these words: Let us continue doing al- most everything which we are doing to lead our beloved church to a life of prayer and mission, but by acknowledg- ing the person of the Spirit as the agent responsible for everything we need. We have to lead our loved ones to not only pray, but to pray in the Spirit; not only to walk, but to walk in the Spirit. We do not need more ideas, what we need is a con- ceptual reorientation, praying and doing in the Spirit. | suggest reading some books about the topic, in addition to the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy: Steps to Personal Revival: Being Filled with the Holy Spirit by Helmut Haubeil. Abiding in Jesus: How Do We Do It? by Helmut Haubeil. Dare to Ask for More by Melody Ma- son The Coming of the Comforter by Le- Roy E. Froom hia Pastor Wagner Almeida Teixeira is currently pastoring four churches in Valparaiso South, Planalto Central Conference, DF, Brazil. He is the founder of the Room 57 movement. APRIL-JUNE 2023