APPENDIX A The following basic items should be included in kits: Adhesive tape Antiseptic solution - (green soap) Bandages Blanket Bullhorn, battery operated Current class roster Compresses - two sheets and towels Drinking cups Emergency cards Bandages, including one triangle bandage, gauze pads Light stick or flashlight with batteries List of disaster procedures Permanent marker pens Pen, pencil, small notebook Plastic drop cloths Premoistened towelettes or baby wipes Red Cross first-aid manual Red flag - emergency signal Safety pins Scissors Shovel Space blanket String Toilet paper Transistor radio Walkie-talkies Black plastic sheeting, four feet wide x 100 feet long, agricultural qual- ity for privacy screen for sanitary facilities. STUDENT’S NAME an alternate site for temporary housing of students, and establishing an adequate com- munication system. Adequate planning can help ensure that you are a master of disaster if an emergency APPENDIX B Emergency Telephone Numbers hool. & [example} occurs at your school. Fire Department 911 Dr. Dale Johnson is Superintendent of Schools for ~~ Police Department 911 the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Ambulance Service 011 Adventists, Bothell, Washington. Sheriff's Office 911 NOTES AND REFERENCES Highway Patrol 911 " Coast Guard 911 L. Seattle Post-intelligercer, December 19, 1990. : : _ 2. Much ofthe materials in this plan was drawn from the Community Hospital 481-5423 work of other individuals and groups. Special thanksgotoMr. ~~ American Red Cross 679-0213 Hans Krenz, principal of Buena Vista SDA Elementary School, i Furi - Auburn, Washington, who conferred with me on developing an Office of Civil Defense 814-5978 on-site emergency preparedness plan; and to the Washington Gas Company 482-6600 Conference junior academy principals who critiqued the rough Electric Company 491-3800 draft for the Washington Conference School Emergency Pre- paredness Plan. Gas Leaks 482-6666 3. Many of these concepts aresummarizedand adapted ~~ Telephone from: . a. Washington State School Earthquake Emer- Emergency Repair 411 gency Plan. Information 311 Safety Program by FEMA8S (Federal Emergency Management , Agency 12 (86) Emergency News Bulletins ¢. Site Emergency Planning Workbook, Emergency KICQ 481-5734 Management Division, Michigan Department of State Po- 715 AM lice. 4. J. Cook, “This School District Was Ready!” Thrust, 94.5 FM 17:27 (January 1988). 5. Ibid. 6. Thid 7. Forms used and/or modified from Virgil Hauselt Memorial Junior Academy, Santa Cruz, California. APPENDIX C’ INJURY TREATMENT RECORD Name: DATE TIME TREATMENT APPENDIX D STUDENT RECORD RELEASE FORM NAME OF PERSON TO WHOM RELATION TIME DATE STUDENT IS RELEASED NAME ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF ID: ID #: 30 APRIL/MAY 1992