Is Your School Y2K OK? Making Your Computers Millennium Ready hat will happen when the year 2000 rolls around? Some experts think the situation is not that serious. “Chances are, few school districts will experience a com- puter meltdown. . . when classes resume on Monday, January 3, 2000.”" Others predict doomsday scenarios such as the following for K-12 schools: “ Administrative computer systems scramble student records. Heating and ventilation systems shut down. District- wide computer networks grind to a halt. Security doors won’t open. Voice mail sys- tems fall silent. Payroll and accounting systems print nonsense numbers—and the staff doesn’t get paid.” Some computer programmers have become survivalists and are stockpiling food and other sup- plies. Marketers are taking advantage of the millennium madness and selling sur- vival kits, generators, blankets, oil-burn- ing lanterns, and more.’ How did this problem start? “When the first computer programmers went to work in the 1950s and *60s, they took a shortcut. Instead of entering all four num- bers in a year, such as 1999, they used only the last two digits: 99. That way, they could save valuable space in the computer’s memory. Besides, in the 1950s, the year 2000 seemed a long way off! Computer experts figured that all the pro- grams would be different by now. They were wrong. Many of the original com- puter programs from the 1950s and 60s are, in fact, still in use today. In addition, many newer programs simply followed the two-digit model for tracking years.”* Why are the two digits a problem? When 2000 rolls around, some computers will think it is 1900 instead of 2000. This can cause many errors in calculating critical information, such as payrolls and leap year dates.’ The year 2000 is almost upon us. Whether or not it brings disaster, by now you should already know about the year 2000 problem (referred to as Y2K) and have contingency plans for your school. If not, here are some steps you should take at once:* * Consult with your superintendent, school board, school business manager, president, and/or executive director. Re- member, this is more of a business prob- lem than a technology problem. * Do an inventory of your applica- tions and systems. If they use embedded microchips, have someone assess the im- pact of the Y2K problem. * Inquire whether your vendors’ and service providers’ equipment is Y2K com- pliant.” * Conduct a risk analysis. Determine which systems and applications are criti- cal to your school’s services and deal with them in order of priority. Decide whether to fix the problem or purchase new appli- cations. In many cases, it will actually be more cost-effective to purchase a new sys- tem instead of trying to patch up an old one. * Test your applications to validate the repairs. Perhaps most important: Develop back-up and contingency plans. What will you do if the payroll system does not work or enrollment reports are cor- rupted? * Keep your school community in- formed about the steps you are taking. Address the topic at board meetings, in newsletters, and on your Web site. De- velop a compliance statement, reviewed by legal counsel.? Out on a Lim With Educational Technology * Be sure to purchase or accept as do- nations only Y2K-compliant software, hardware, equipment, and services. Con- tract only with those companies that have Y2K-compliant systems.’ Besides planning for emergencies and checking and updating your systems, you should teach a unit on Y2K to students at all levels. TeacherZone, a Web site for teachers, has lesson plans, projects for kids, and more to help your students un- derstand computer history and current events.’ Classroom Connect, one of the best Internet resources for education, has planned a unit reviewing the past 1,000 years. Information on this resource is available at their Web site." Use the mil- lennium fever to spark enthusiasm about your history lessons! Interest in the millennium is high. Now is an excellent time for Adventist churches and schools to get involved with their communities. A group of Pennsylva- nia churches is offering monthly Y2K prayer services that provide a mix of secu- lar and spiritual advice.” What a wonder- ful opportunity to help your community prepare for the worst, to teach them what the Bible says about the end of the world, to pray and prepare together. Let us lead the way, not in panic, but in preparing for the future and the approaching second coming of Jesus. & Janine Lim is the Instructional Technol- ogy Consultant at Berrien County Inter- mediate School District in Berrien Springs, Michigan. She works with Ad- ventist schools as well as other private and public schools. NOTES AND REFERENCES Note: Visit the author’s Web page at http:/ to find a list of these links. 1. Lars Kongshem, “RU Y2K OK?” Electronic School 186:3 (March 1999), p. Al4. 2. Ibid., pp. A14-A17. For a more in-depth Continued on page 47 ADVENTIST EDUCATION +» OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1999 21