Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 18 [2023], No. 2, Art. 2 74 knowledge of and faith in Jesus. The dreams and visions—through the authority of the Bible and the divinity of Christ—strengthen the faith of both classes of Muslims as they learn more about Issa (Jesus) and prepare for the second coming. Ellen White apeaks of the importance of understanding the Book of Revelation, “When the books of Daniel and Revelation are better under- stood, believers will have an entirely different religious experience. They will be given such glimpses of the open gates of heaven that heart and mind will be impressed with the character that all must develop in order to realize the blessedness, which is to be the reward of the pure in heart” (1962:114). The Dreams of Issa The following excerpts of dreams given by Jesus come from seekers who have written to the Dreams of Isa website ( One or more references from the Book of Revelation accompany many of these excerpts. “Assalam alaikom (Peace to you). In my dream last night, the Proph- et Issa, alaihisalam (Peace be upon him), appeared to me wearing white clothes and standing in the middle of seven lights. He was watching them and making sure they were giving light. He looked at me and smiled. Then I woke up. What does this dream mean?” (See Rev 1:12-16). “ Asalamoalaikom (Peace be upon you). Last night in my dream, I saw the Prophet Essa [Issa] standing at the door of our house and knocking while I was sleeping. But no one opened the door. He knocked several times, and I finally woke up and opened the door. His face was shining and filled everywhere with his light. He came in, and he had a smile on his face. What is the meaning of my dream?” (See Rev 3:21). “Assalamo alaikom (Peace to you). I had a dream, and I want to share it with you. In my dream, I saw Prophet Issa, alaihisalam (Peace be upon him), wearing a white robe and sitting on a white throne. And I saw an- gels, men and some kind of animals worshiping him and praising him day and night. T heard a voice asking, “Do you worship him?” Then I woke up puzzled. Please, what does this dream mean?” (See Rev 4—a direct call to worship—and the first angel's message of Rev 14:6-7). “Assalam alaikum (Peace to you). In my dream, I saw the Prophet Issa sitting on a white throne and wearing white. Then I saw many smaller thrones, and people were invited to sit on them. What is the meaning of my dream?” (See Rev 4:2-4, 20:4). “Assalam alaikum (Peace to you). Can you help me understand a dream I have seen several times now? In the dream, I see the Prophet Issa wearing DOI: 10.3262 farmseol18/MiXidn Studies