SUGGESTED ACTION Disseminate a broad-based perspective of stewardship which articulates around the meta-narrative: “We are created and redeemed as stewards.” Promote the weekly offertory devotionals and the annual Stewardship Revival eek, which invite members to embrace a God-First lifestyle. Establish a group to study the need for amendments to the Working Policy and the Church Manual for these documents to harmonize with actions related to adopting the Combined Offering Plan and bring clarity to some offerings’ terminologies. Ensure that each administrative entity has a template to share about the use of tithes and offerings to their committees and constituencies. Communicate to the church about finances through accessible and user-friendly platforms about the following; B® Distribution plan(s) of the various offerings and tithes ® Regular financial reports WM Real-life stories, provided by beneficiaries, following an agreed standard format, linking funds received with progress in mission Educate church members on the importance of identifying themselves while giving and differentiating their giving into tithes, offerings, and donations. Ensure that local churches are regularly audited, and the audit reports are presented to church boards, at church’s business meetings, and preferably shared with the church at large whenever possible. Provide local church leadership with resources to develop and implement an internal control system. Set up an editorial committee to develop resource materials for financial literacy seminars that local churches can adapt to their needs. Train a pool of financial literacy educators comprising of treasurers, leaders, pastors, and other resource people to provide Financial Literacy Semi- nars for the local church and the community as a nurturing and evangelistic tool. Add a line to the treasurers’ reports at all levels that indicates the monthly number of giving units. Develop and provide an instrument for conferences, unions, and divisions to consolidate data for their territory about the pattern in participation for tithing and regular offerings. Communicate and analyze the trend in the participation in giving during church board meetings, church administrative meetings, other adequate lo- cal church forums, and to executive committees at all levels regularly. Provide pastors or approved and trained spiritual leaders with information about individual members’ participation in tithing for nurture and reten- tion purposes through personal interventions. Invest more resources in developing stewardship resources for children, teens, and young adults. Undertake a study to assess the initiative’s effectiveness in increasing participation in tithing and regular and systematic giving. DYNAMIC STEWARD APRIL-JUNE 2023