NO ww opportunities that take them trom one crisis to another. Such opportunities include heavy dating (going steady), late party- ing, substance abuse, skipped classes, extended weekend trips, excessive TV or video viewing, and time-consuming extracurricu- lar activities and sports. When faced with opportuntrics to drift off target, at-risk students can learn to say NO successfully and instead offer productive comments like this: “I am in school to earn good grades that will help me be- comc a professional person who earns a good lifetime income. Un- less the proposed activity will help me get better grades, I choose to delay being involved and to focus on activitics that help me scholas- cally.” Without exception, at-risk stu- dents who learn to say YES to ac- vities and experiences that posi- ively affect their academic success will achieve higher GPAs and greater personal satisfaction. For example, driving 100 miles to Chicago with one’s friends on a Wednesday afternoon is a waste of valuable ume. However, the same trip, with the same friends, taken as part of a class requirement, helps the student build lifelong friendships, earn better grades, and expand his or her knowledge base. At-risk students who are de- termined to graduate from college say YES to attending spiritual/reli- gious services, academic support centers, tutorial sessions, course review pertods, motivational/in- structional dorm worships, visit- ing lectureships, on-campus artis- tic performances, and individual conferences with teachers. MAYBE is the term com- monly defined as delaved gratifi- cation. Although it may not seem so at the time, at-risk students do Picture Removed Sleep deprivation is a characteristic of at-risk college students. not have to permanently give up any activ- from their preset daily schedule, the cor- As at-risk students deliberately choose ity or event that they find enjoyable. As rect response is the same one used by when to engage in unplanned events, they one aphorism puts it, “One can enjoy highly effective executives, managers, and systematically break away from the demon everything that one wants, but not every- leaders: “Ler me check my calendar and of urgency and achieve a sense of peace thing at the same time.” When at-risk stu- get back with vou. Do vou have an E-mail and self-control. At-risk students must dents face situations that might draw them address or voice mail?” learn to review their preplanned study 34 ADVENTIST EDUCATION = APRIL/MAY 2000