BOOK REVIEWS Will Baron, DECEIVED BY THE NEW AGE. Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Publishing Assn., 1990. Paper, 220 pages, $13.95. elieve it or not, it can happen to you! Deceived by the New Age shows how easily one can be misled by false mes- sages. The facts and examples in the book are so similar to events in most people's daily lives that it's easy for the reader to identify with them. Jesus warned in Matthew 7: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” He added, “You will know them by their fruits. Those who have not carefully studied the Bible will be easily deceived by the New Age message just as was Will Baron, the author of this book. Writing from firsthand experience, Baron tells how and why the New Age Movement has been so success- ful. He explains how Satan has combined and adapted Eastern philosophies (Hindu- ism, Buddhism, astrology, numerology, etc.) to fit into Western culture. Many of the New Age organizations (Church of Christ, Scien- list; and Scientology, ie, Ron Hubbard's Dianetics) present their philosophies in such a way that makes it difficult to recog- nize their true nature. New Age Centers train priests to infil- trate conventional Christian churches. They seek to lead Christians into false doc- trines and dangerous meditation practices by confusing introspective (New Age) med- tation and Christian meditation. What is the difference? Introspective meditation empties the mind of all thought. It's the hotline leading directly to the mind of Satan. Eventually the mind of the meditator will be completely controlled by him. Chris- tian meditation refers to inteliectual con- templation of Scripture and the way it reveals the character of Christ. Never has the Bible hinted that meditation was fisten- ing to the voice of God in the silence of self-hypnosis. Deceived by the New Age points out that Satan's influence is evident in atheism, occult groups, drugs, crime, and the Church of Satan. However, it is hard for Christians to believe that Satan expresses himself through Christian organizations and people who call themselves followers of God. This is a tremendous advantage for Satan. Baron shows that the New Age apostasy was prophesied in the Bible as an instru- ment that will prepare the way for the Antichrist. John wrote: “Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antich- rists have come; therefore we know that it is the last hour” (1 John 2:18). John differ- entiates this special Antichrist from others who had already come by saying that he “denies the Father and the Son.” In working through the New Age, Satan presents himself as the master spirit guide, quoting Genesis 3:4: "Your eyes will be opened [you will have enlightenment], and you will be like God [have cosmic con- sciousness].” He also usurps God's rightful position by presenting Hindu gurus as God incarnate. Deceived by the New Age shows how Satan makes the New Age philosophy more acceptable to Christians. He gives New Age Centers a Christian flavor— teaching from the Bible and appearing to uphold Christ until attendees are deceived into thinking they are following in the steps ot Christ. Those trained as New Age priests then infiltrate conventional religious organi- zations, thus encouraging the birth of coun- terfeit Christian churches. Deceived by the New Age is well written, and motivates the reader to study for him- self or herself. Baron makes it easy to iden- tify with his life and what he has gone through. This book would be excellent out- side reading or discussion material for academy and college Bible classes. — Yvonne Vanderhorst. "Bible quotes are fram the Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1946, 1952, 1971 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, and are used by permission. Dr. Yvonne Vanderhorst is Coordinator for Prepare Our Youth, inc. and for Columbia Union College's Teach-A-Kid Program. She works full time in the Office of Human Relations at the General Conference of SDA, Silver Spring, Maryland Carolyn Kohlenberger and Noel Wescombe, RAISING WISE CHIL- DREN (How to Teach Your Child to Think). Portland, Oregon: Multnomah, 1990. Paper, 265 pages, $9.95. hristian educators have long guoted Ellen White's counsel that their teaching was incom- plete it children and youth did not learn to think so they could become more than mere reflectors of another's thought. Unfortunately, we sel- dom see or hear much about this happen- ing. Raising Wise Children was written to fill that void. ADVENTIST EDUCATICN » OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1990 43