waters destroyed the evidence of pre-Flood humans. 9. Where did dinosaurs come from? Were they preserved in Noah's ark? We do not know, but the following seems likely. The main kinds of dinosaurs were probably created by God and thus would have been preserved in the ark, along with the other major kinds of animals. They perished, along with a number of other ani- mals, soon after the Flood, perhaps as the result of dramatic changes in climate and/or habitat. Most dinosaurs were small, the size of a turkey or deer, and we do not know much about them. The huge ones may not have been created by God but rather the re- sult of manipulation, similar to the way modern humans have bred different breeds of dog. Such monsters as the Tyrannosaurus would not have been preserved in the ark and probably perished in the great Genesis flood. 10. How old Is the Earth? We are not sure. The Bible indicates that God prepared the Earth and created life a few thousand years ago in six days." There are also some suggestions in the Bible! that the Earth may have been a dark, empty, water-covered sphere before Creation week, but the texts only imply this. Life has been here on Earth for only a few thousand years. Some scientific data are more easily ex- plained if we assume that there was an empty Earth here long before Creation week began. 11. What does the flood described in the Bible have to do with Creation? Many of the rock layers on the surface of the Earth contain some fossils. Evolutionists say that these represent plants and animals buried over billions of years as they evolved. But, as described above, there are many problems with these theories. On the other hand, the Bible indicates that God created the various life forms in six days a few thousand years ago. So where did the fossils come from? The great world- wide flood best explains the formation of fossil layers. Most of the fossils we find are organisms that lived before the Flood and were rapidly and sequentially buried during that horrendous event. If millions of years elapsed between layers that contain differ- Picture Removed ent kinds of fossils, as evolutionists claim, there is no way that God created all kinds in six days. A small, local flood in Meso- potamia, as suggested by some, would not help. The deluge would have to be sudden and worldwide, as described in the Bible, to explain the fossil layers on all the conti- nents. 12. What is the evidence for a world- wide flood? The Bible is specific about the Flood having been a worldwide event.'> However, there is abundant evidence elsewhere, as well: ¢ In folk stories about the past, the idea of a worldwide flood appears as a dominant theme all around the globe—six times as common as causes for any other gigantic calamities." This idea would probably not be so dominant if it were not based on a real event. * We find many fossils of marine organ- isms on mountains and deserts where we would not expect to see them. They should be in the ocean; yet layers containing mate- rials that originated in the seas are much thicker on the continents than in Earth's In folk stories about the past, the idea of a worldwide flood appears as a dominant theme all around the globe—six times as common as causes for any other gigantic calamities. Journal of Adventist Education » December 2001/January 2002 13