4. CURRENTS John Rengifo Appointed Ministerial Director John Rengifo, lead pastor of the Ellicott City (Md.) church, has accepted an invitation to serve as the next ministerial director of the Chesapeake Conference. The announcement comes after the Chesapeake Conference Executive Committee unanimously affirmed the recommendation from conference administration. Rengifo will take over the role previously held by Eli Rojas, who has recently transitioned to the North American Division Evangelism Institute as an associate director. Prior to his service at the Ellicott City church, Rengifo was an associate pastor at the Atholton church in Columbia, Md. “Elder Rengifo possesses the spiritual gifts and skills that are essential to effectively minis- ter to ministers, especially in the challenging and complex times in which we live,” says Jerry Lutz, conference president. “| am confident that, by God’s grace, Elder Rengifo will rise to the occasion and provide excellent leadership in this important conference department.” Rengifo is eager to lend his support to the con- ference’s pastors by helping them strengthen their sense of purpose and meaning in their ministry contexts. He says, “lI want our pastors to know that I’m looking forward to getting to know them and their families, that I'm praying for them, and that | will be accessible and available, and a listening ear for encouragement.” In addition to supporting pastors, Rengifo looks forward to working closely with local church leaders around the conference. In his new role, Rengifo will collaborate with church boards to find new pastors, organize practical ministry trainings, and provide resources for elders and deacons. “| appreciate God’s people everywhere and their commitment to the local church,” Rengifo says. “l look forward to meeting [our members] and being of support.” Northeast Honors First Responders in Baltimore The Northeast church in Parkville, Md., recently opened its doors wide open, not just for their reg- ular worship service, but to host a special event— First Responders Day. It was a day to honor and extend heartfelt prayers for representatives from the Baltimore County Police Department, Baltimore Baltimore County first responders bow their heads as the congregation prays for their safety. County Fire Department, and the Providence Volunteer Fire Company. An outpouring of respect and appreciation echoed through the service, as church members and representatives from the local community asso- ciation thanked the brave men and women who keep them safe. The intention of the ceremony was not only to recognize these first responders, but it was held as part of a larger initiative by the church to connect more deeply with the community. “This event is part of our cycle of evangelism,” says Anibal Hansell, pastor of Northeast. “We see it as a bridge that connects members of the community with the services and ministries of our church.” A highlight of the event was a special meal after the church service, prepared and served by church members. This act of hospitality served as a platform for dialogue and interaction between the community and the first responders. Currents is published in the Visitor by the Chesapeake Conference m 6600 Martin Road, Columbia, MD 21044 Phone: (410) 995-1910 = ccosda.org ® President, Jerry Lutz = Editor, Evan Knott 18 | VISITOR September/October 2023