Guest Editorial Continued from page 3 experience but flourished mentally, physically, and spirit- ually because of a strong family influence. Others have been judged and mistreated by their local church, and a caring family and school have compensated for the neg- ative influences. As educators, we have a sacred respon- sibility to strengthen the leg of the stool for which we are responsible in our schools, classrooms, and interactions with the home and church. The ultimate goal, however, is to produce a stool with three robust and unwavering legs so that students have the best opportunities to grow in connection with God and their fellow human beings. In conclusion, parents, pastors, teachers, and stu- dents must work faithfully and in a coordinated manner to support children’s spiritual, mental, physical, and so- cial growth. Only in eternity will we find out how many souls of young people have been saved by the interven- tion of home, church, and school. Julidn Melgosa, PhD, is Associate Director of Education for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A. He serves as Liaison for Higher Education and Advisor for the North American Division, the South American Division, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, the Trans-European Division, and the Middle East and North Africa Union Mission. Dr. Melgosa also serves as the Chair of The Journal of Ad- ventist Education Advisory Board. Recommended citation: Julian Melgosa, “The Three-legged Stool,” The Journal of Adventist Education 85:1 (2023): 3, 44. https://doi. org/10.55668/TSUR7544. NOTES AND REFERENCES 1. Ellen G. White, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Stiidents {Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press, 1913), 107. 2. Ibid., 165. 3. Ibid., 174. The World Education Team 2022-2025 Lisa M. Beardsley-Hardy, PhD, MPH, MBA, Director Board Chair for the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities (AAA) e Liaison for schools of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy e | iaison for the Middle East and North Africa Union Mission and the Northern Asia-Pacific Division Hudson E. Kibuuka, DEd, Associate Director e Liaison for higher education and advisor to the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and the West-Central Africa Division e Executive Secretary for the AAA e Editor, College and University Dialogue Julian Melgosa, PhD, Associate Director e Liaison for higher education and advisor to the North American Division, the South American Division, the Trans-European Division, and the Middle East and North Africa Union Mission e Chair, The Journal of Adventist Education® Advisory Board Socrates Quispe, PhD, Associate Director e |iaison for higher education and advisor to the Inter-American Division, the Euro-Asia Division, and the Inter-European Division. e Associate Editor, The Journal of Adventist Education ® (International Editions) Richard A. Sabuin, PhD, Associate Director e | jaison for higher education and advisor to the East-Central Africa Division, the South Pacific Division, the Southern Asia Division, the China Union Mission, and the Ukraine Union Conference e Editor, College and University Dialogue Faith-Ann A. McGarrell, PhD e Editor, The Journal of Adventist Education ® Chandra Goff, BA * Editorial Assistant, The Journal of Adventist Education © Gabriela de Sousa Matias, MEd » Joint Managing Editor, College and University Dialogue Chawngdinpuii Schaffer, PhD e Joint Managing Editor, College and University Dialogue Esther Hoche Rodriguez, MEd e Office Manager, Department of Education Rachel Kim, BA ¢ Records Secretary for AAA, International Board of Education (IBE), and International Board of Ministerial and Theological Training (IBMTE) World Directors of Education Divisions ECD Andrew Mutero, PhD SSD Bienvenido Mergal, PhD ESD Roman Chisacov, MA SUD Edison Samraj, PhD FEUD Marius Munteanu, PhD SPD Malcolm Coulson, PhD IAD Faye Patterson, PhD TED Kayle de Waal, PhD NAD Arne Nielsen, PhD WAD Juvenal Balisasa, PhD NSD Edgard Luz, MS SAD Antonio Marcos da Silva ~~ Unions Alves, MBA, PhD CHUM Mark Mak, PhD SID Felix Njini, DMin MENAUM Jeanette Bryson, PhD 44 The Journal of Adventist Education Vol. 85, No. 1, 2023