Months later, at a birthday party, an old man came to Elsie and said, “Sister, whatever you do, please keep the children’s concert going.” He probably speaks for many. Hats off to the Children’s Ministries children on the path of Truth and Life! m leaders who are dedicating their last bit of energy to create the image of God in the —Sergena Obas i hearts of boys and girls! Congratulations administrative secretary, to all the parents who strive to put their Quebec Conference Maritime Ron Marshall Voted as New Executive Secretary for the Maritime Conference O: June 12, 2023, the Executive Board of the Maritime Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted Ron Marshall as its new executive secretary. Pastor Marshall brings a wealth of experience, exceptional leadership skills, and spiritual gifts to his new role, having served in various pastoral capacities throughout his career. With a focus on fostering spiritual growth and community impact, Marshall's unique spiritual gifts include apostleship, help, and administration. These gifts have played an integral role in his success as a thought leader in the faith communities of Canora, Quill Lake, and Yorkton, Sask, positively impacting the churches and communities he has served. Marshall has demonstrated exceptional leadership throughout his ministry, specifically in leading and managing a three-church district. Under his guidance, the churches experienced growth, increased community outreach programs, and enhanced collaboration among congregations. “The Maritime Conference is excited to welcome Ron Marshall as our new executive secretary,” said David Miller, chairperson of the board of directors, and president of the Maritime Conference. “His spiritual gifts, leadership experience, and compassionate nature make him an ideal choice to help guide the church in the Maritimes to greater heights.” “The impact of Pastor Ron’s leadership has been exceptional, and he stands out among pastors in the Ron Marshall Manitoba Saskatchewan Conference,” pastoral staff, and our community partners Charles Ed II Aguilar, president of the to further our mission and create a lasting Manitoba—Saskatchewan Conference, impact on the lives of those we serve.” stated. His appointment went into effect Marshall shared his enthusiasm for July 15,2023. m the new position: “I am grateful and humbled by this new ministry calling — Charles Ed 11 Aguilar, to serve as executive secretary of the president, Manitoba- Maritime Conference. I look forward to Saskatchewan Conference working with the president, the board, 9% August 2023 39