Dynamic Steward: What is Room 57ยข Early in my min- istry | met Pastor Manolo Damasio. His father-in-law, Pastor Moura, now re- tired, was the one who, many years ago, coined the expression Room 57. The purpose of the room was to seek the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit in the early hours of the day, between 5and 7 am. From my interactions with Pr. Dam- asio, | deepened my personal studies about the Holy Spirit. Investing the early hours of the day in prayer and studies became a daily routine. | started realizing that something was missing in my ministry. There was a need for me to lean more on prayer and to develop a practical life in the Spirit, not only theologically, but to live in a close relationship with Him. | realized that not having Him as an active partner was the cause of my regular weaknesses and dis- appointments. DS: Why from 5to7am.? This time of the day is highly favorable for the development of a rela- tionship with God. There is a lower risk of interruptions. That was the lifestyle of the Master him- self while He was living among men. | have personally experienced that dedicating the early hours of the day is crucial to keeping the spiritual life active and strong, APRIL-JUNE 2023 DS: Can you explain the beginning and growth of Room 57 as a prayer movements Besides practicing Room 57 in my personal life, for thirteen years, | have encouraged my members, in all the churches | have pastored, to develop the habit of seeking God at dawn. During the COVID-19 pandemic, af- ter the annual ten days of prayer, some members continued to gather through Zoom, with the aim of studying the Bible in the early hours of the day. | was asked to coordinate these meetings, which had a regular attendance of fifteen families. | accepted the invitation and changed the whole dynamic. This was the beginning of Room 57 as it is known today. | led the group to experience four concepts that | have learned from the Bible and in the Spirit of Prophecy: Experiencing communion with God by highlighting the role of the Holy Spirit Demonstrating unconditional love in our relationships with others Growing healthy church communities Engaging in appealing witnessing Room 57 is broadcasted through two online platforms: Zoom and You- Tube. | believe that the growth of Room 57 is providential. The initial plan was to strengthen the pastoral district, and the Spirit of God made it possible for us to reach thousands of people. Our morning worship service was available to my district during the pan- demic, and through the sharing of the links, it has reached more people in Brazil and beyond. It started with fifteen fami- lies, went on to sixty, and today reaches a much bigger audience. Recently on Zoom, during the live meeting, we had 1,000 hits accessed by mobile phone or computer. For YouTube, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had 8,500 viewers on a permanent basis, and on a rotation, just about 25,000 daily. Today, after the pandemic, we have reached 15000 families in rotating at- tendance, whereas in permanent atten- dance we have 6,000 every day for the live YouTube meetings. Another indicator of growth is the 25000 viewers who ac- cess our YouTube videos at a later time. DS: What happens during these prayer meetings? Our main goal is the daily bap- tism of the Holy Spirit. We follow a regu- lar, simple program but remain flexible to the needs of our viewers and spiritual direction. Icebreaker, prayer Opening hymn, with emphasis on the Holy Spirit Study of the Sabbath School lesson (10 minutes) Moment of intercession Showing a video which narrates the vi- sion of the valley of dry bones of Ezekiel 37. The goal is to highlight the purpose of the meeting, for us not to lose sight of our main focus. Reading and meditation of the Word Sharing of witnessing experiences Final prayer Fellowship time DS: How has the prayer movement impacted the lives of those who attend it? Two great changes are visible among the participants: a deepening and STEWARDSHIP. ADVENTIST.ORG