College Teachers Study Techniques for Integration of Faith and Learning he first annual Insti- tute for Christian Col- lege Teaching selected 19 participants for its June 13-30 session at Union College in Lin- coln, Nebraska. With detailed appli- cations from candi- dates, which included proposals for study papers, the ICCT selection committee reviewed prospec- tive participants in early January, selecting them on the basis of their professional qualifications and on the quality of their proposed papers. In addition to other qualifications, the committee wanted a group of college teachers representing as many NAD colleges as possible, consist Dr. George Akers, General Confer- ence Director of Education, makes a point. An international group of students from Brazil, Germany, the U.S., West Indies, France, Nigeria, Canada, and Great ing of both men and women and a mix of academic disciplines and ethnic groups. In the end, eight North American colleges and Newbold College (England) participated. The institute's origin is interesting, if not dramatic. About 18 months ago, George Akers, head of the General Con- ference Education Department, and John Wagner, president of Union College, shared adjacent airplane seats. In their short flight together, they began to dis- cuss the integration of faith and learning. Their conversation expanded to the possibility of holding an ongoing insti- tute dedicated to fostering this integra tion on SDA college campuses. Although the integration was already often done well, even expertly, both men neverthe- less saw a need to do it better. This need, Britain are the first to participate in a full-time master’s program in education offered at Newbold College, Bracknell, Berkshire, England. Four students graduated from the program in 1988. Last year two students completed the program who had been studying for a master's degree during the summers. Pictured above are four of the master's students with Dr. Ole-Christian Bjerkan (center), who has been Newbold’s academic dean and director of the M.A. course. 10 ADVENTIST EDUCATION & DECEMBER 1988 - JANUARY 1989