et al.: God Given Dreams and Visions 153 In this brief experiential review, I have not touched on Adventist self- supporting institutions and ministries, media, etc., nor discussed issues of church authority, stewardship, lack of ethical and professional standards, misuse of the church name, and a host of other relevant concerns. Some groups accuse the denomination hierarchy of arrogance, of being too con- cerned about authority, power, and sustaining the structure, while being unresponsive to the needs of members. An oft-quoted statement from The Great Controversy, is frequently used to show the superiority of less formal groups over the established system, particularly in these last days: Thus the message of the third angel will be proclaimed. As the time comes for it to be given with greatest power, the Lord will work through humble instruments, leading the minds of those who conse- crate themselves to His service. The laborers will be qualified rather by the unction of His Spirit than by the training of literary institutions. Men of faith and prayer will be constrained to go forth with holy zeal, declaring the words which God gives them. (White 1950:606) Too often the perception exists that those who labor in the systemic organization of God's Church are proud Pharisees who lack humility, do not pray, and rely more on their degrees than faith. Since only those who are humble laity will be used by the Lord, no need exists for educating and preparing ones-self for effective witnessing. Afterall, the Holy Spirit will give you the wisdom necessary without the bother of preparatory train- ing. Is it possible to be prideful of humility and ignorance? Arguments whether perceptions like these are valid or not rarely changes the holder's views, because perceptions are what most people consider reality and few people are willing to change their reality. In closing, suffice it to say that the Lord works through Peters as well as Pauls. Both are needed. God can use a dull knife as well as a sharp one. Before conversion, both Peter and Paul were full of self-sufficiency. Af- ter working in the vineyard, they both became humbly dependent on the Spirit for accomplishing their witness. Plenty of work remains; the harvest is ready, and the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37 and 38; John 4:34-38). There is sufficient need and room for all disciples in whatever capacity, skill-level, and role to humbly serve the Lord, his Church, and his mission. Let us maintain perspective and priorities and not be dissuaded or dis- tracted over things of this earth that are temporary. The Church consists of believers whom Jesus has adopted into his family, redeemed, and will take to heaven to be with him throughout eternity. While important, church fa- cilities, organizations, and institutions of all kinds will not be saved; they will be relics of this sinful world. They do not go to heaven with the saints. Published by Digital Commons @ Atciexws Ub iversity, 2023 157